Our own Jennifer Kelly has just returned from Ningxia, China where she spent the week visiting and training two laboratories on bovine/cattle in vitro embryo production procedures.
Some of the technical areas covered throughout the week included: laboratory setup & equipment required, quality assurance and quality control, ovum-pick-up operation overview, in vitro maturation, and in vitro fertilisation; including working with sexed semen, in vitro culture and cryopreservation of embryos by slow freezing and vitrification techniques.
What a fantastic group of technicians and embryologists who were very keen and enthusiastic to try new techniques all for the common goal of improving their cattle pregnancy and live calf rate outcomes. We wish them all the success and look forward to the next visit. Thank you for the extremely kind hospitality Yanhu Guan.
If you would like us to visit your laboratory, contact us directly at admin@artlabsolutions.com or visit our services page for more information on the training services that we offer.